When making a Mixer, Mod Constructor 4 will not output the initial_wait_time properly. When making a statistic_change loot, Mod Constructor 4 will not output participants properly therefore, if you set a participant, the loot will not work. The program will sometimes output tuning with incorrect tags, causing portions of code to not work. While Mod Constructor 4 is a good program for beginners, it comes with some limitations. Once downloaded, users must a creator name. Mod Constructor can be downloaded from Zerbu's Tumblr. Trait Picker Interaction (a custom interaction class from Zerbu). Immediate Interaction ( ImmediateSuperInteraction). Basic Super Interaction ( SuperInteraction). Social Interaction ( SocialMixerInteraction). Users can create the following in it, separated into three categories: Do not rename any files and do not install more than one subfolder deep in your Mods folder.Mod Constructor is a versatile program, especially when used in conjunction with Sims 4 Studio. If a Mod has optional Addons, install them in the same way if you wish to use them. If a Mod has more than one version, choose only one version. package file into your Sims 4 Mods folder (Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods). Download and unzip the file (Winrar or 7-Zip are your best options). IMPORTANT: If you install this bundled mod package, DO NOT install any of the individual mods listed above! How to install:
Better Lot Trait – Study Spot (complete homework 2x faster learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Science Lair (added Robotics learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Homey (removed Mixology added Parenting, Herbalism, Flower Arranging, Knitting, Cross Stitch learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Home Studio (added Writing and Fabrication learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Great Soil (learn Gardening 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Fast Internet (removed Writing added Media Production learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Dog Friendly (allows you to add trait to Veterinarian and Retail lots).Better Lot Trait – Convivial (removed Mischief learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Chef’s Kitchen (added Mixology learn skills 2x faster).Better Lot Trait – Celebrity Home (no more embarrassment if not a celebrity).
Better Lot Trait – Cat Friendly (allows you to add trait to Veterinarian lots). This bundled mod includes all of the following Bosselady Mods:
This bundled mod requires: Cats and Dogs, Get Famous, City Living, Get to Work, Eco Lifestyle, Outdoor Retreat, Parenthood, Seasons, Nifty Knitting, Cottage Living, and Discover University. Watch this YouTube video for more information – NOTE:
Now you can download all of Bosselady’s Better Lot Trait Mods in one bundle!