I want to recolor some of the CC that I've downloaded, but can't seem to do it without the mesh having these horrendous chunky yellow streaks in it. But when I try to load the mesh in S4S, it's so ugly. I downloaded sims 4 studio to try content management > batch fixes > cas > allow cc. In the game, it's perfect (I have a gaming laptop). All the hairstyles show up in brown with blonde stripes. i was wondering if there was a fix for this because i would hate to undownload all that cc. The Sims Resource, Mod the Sims, dedicated Sims 4 CC Tumblr blogs these are all platforms for finding unique & high-quality. So when I load alpha hair into S4S, it shows the hair with yellow chunky streaks. This means move your mods folder to the desktop delete the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder. When you are on CAS your custom content hair looks perfect and then, when you go to the Live Mode, the hair has those weird blonde highlights Well, watch th. If you've tried that, you may need to troubleshoot your mods.

but suddenly now they all have the gross blonde streaks no matter how close i get. Watcher Posts: 5977 Re: CC Hair Issue - Streaks in Hair Reply 1 on: June 10, 2018, 10:49:35 PM In game options, turn off laptop mode, if on.

however, i use a mac and have to use windowed mode or else i get the resolution glitch (everything is far too big for the screen when i try to use fullscreen, i can't even click anything.)this is especially strange because al my cc hair used to work before and the streaks would only show up if i zoomed out too far/clicked a long distance away from the sim. Hi! so i know that there is a fix for the blonde streaks bug when using cc hair.