To install new formula, you use the following command: $ brew install For example, to install Node.js default version with Homebrew, you execute the following command: $ brew install node Homebrew also provides an online package browser to browse all the available packages for macOS and Linux

Next, install Homebrew Each package in Homebrew is called a Formula. You could also install the full Xcode application from Apple, if you prefer - but that takes up more space on your Mac and isn't necessary.

MacOS Mojave (10.14) or later (you can check this using About This Mac as well) Command Line Tools for Xcode (type xcode-select -install into your terminal and press return) A Bourne-compatible shell for installation (i.e., bash or zsh) You can check if you have a bash or zsh shell by opening the terminal and looking at the top of the terminal windo On a modern Mac OS X system, you can install these just by running the following command in a Terminal window.